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Shannon Beaver
January 18, 2023 | Snippets with Shannon | Shannon Beaver

Snippets with Shannon: An Introduction

Wine Snippets with Shannon: IntroductionTo say that I'm a novice when it comes to wine would be an understatement, but there is no greater driving force than that which is passion. I would be lying, however, if I said that embarking on this journey doesn’t feel daunting and, well, kinda scary. Wine has such a vastly rich history; I mean, hell, even Jesus drank it. (and yes, the irony in that sentence was 100% planned.)

Applying to be the Assistant Tasting Room Manager at Suhru was a spur of the moment, “why not,” decision. At least, that’s what I thought at the time. It turns out that, maybe, some things do happen for a reason.

Living on the South Shore of Long Island for the majority of my life, coming out to the North Fork was a bit of an endeavor, but that 40-60 minute drive was always worth it. I’ve experienced the East End wineries and tasting houses, in both small and large group settings, with family, and even with a few strangers that I had only met that morning. Regardless of the who, or how many, the common denominator was always… wine.

I’ve been able to have conversations with people that probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the bottle that sat between us. I guess you could say that wine is the proverbial Conch Shell. (That was a Lord of the Flies reference for all of my literary nerds.) I’ve shared bottles with people who have made wine a way of life, and with those who only cared about the alcohol content. But with each sip I took, the unknowing vinifera passion grew. While others immediately grabbed their glass from the bar after it was poured, I was always the last to walk away, because to me, the story behind what was poured into my glass was more important than the glass itself.

I remember the day I met Shelby at the Tasting House for my interview like it was yesterday. It was only 6 months ago, but you know what I mean. One of the first things she asked me was, “What do you know about wine?” Now, the term, Word Vomit, is typically used in a negative sense but in this case, I ralphed up everything I've absorbed through my wine journey thus far. Most interviews don’t last very long but when you’re in the right place at the right time, an hour and a half goes by pretty quickly. Interview questions just felt like friendly conversation, and I guess being a wine sponge all these years really paid off because the next morning I was offered the position.

In the short time that I’ve worked here the most common question I get asked is, “Are you one of the daughters?” my response is often, “Well, not by blood, but by choice, so I know they must like me.” While my sarcastic tone is abundantly present when I say this, there is very much an underlying truth to it. The Hearn family as well as the Suhru staff immediately welcomed me with open arms. This Tasting House is more of a Tasting Home and I couldn’t be more grateful for the Family, Friends, and Neighbors I've met thus far. I will keep being the best sponge I can be, while I continue my wine education journey learning from not only the incredible staff here but the knowledgeable guests I get to hang out with 5 days a week!

Follow along with Shannon's wine education as she expands her pallet and explores the world of wine. Check back each month to read about her latest wine musings. Want to know more about Shannon? Checkout her Bio


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